The importance of physiotherapy: Injury prevention and management in sport

Injury Prevention

Why is physio important for sports teams?

There is extensive research that concludes injury prevention is a key-contributing factor to success of sporting teams. Physiotherapists are the leading providers of injury prevention and management in sport and are able to help your team reduce injury rates and decrease time to get back on the field. Check out research paper summary here: that shows decreased injury rates improve overall team rankings.

How often do we need a physio?

This is a highly subjective area and many professional teams get by with part time and short-term physios. The best advice we can give is that having someone on game day is always a plus and some form of injury management and prevention during training days can be additionally helpful in reducing overall injury rates.

How do I pick the right physio for our team?

Like most jobs you want to choose candidates that have the highest level of skill and experience for that particular role. In the Lokko app you are able to see the work experience candidates have had using the app and their up to date resumes. Obviously having experience in the sport you are hiring for is great but most physios have experience in treating athletes whether at university during compulsory rotations or after they’ve graduated from uni.


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